facts about marketing


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Marketing is constantly evolving, and digital marketing seems to be taking off. Business are allocating more of their marketing spend towards digital efforts, and 72% of their total marketing budgets are now being spent on social media, SEO, PPC, and PR. When it comes to SEO alone, most business are spending on average $10,000 to $20,000 per month. As a part of the SEO initiatives, brands are also investing in content marketing with a 162% reduced spend over traditional marketing with a 3 times greater leads return. Furthermore, content marketing seems to be a large part of the overall marketing spend as it accounts for 28% of the total marketing budget.

Below, we highlight 21 top facts about marketing in 2023:

Facts About Marketing (Editors Choice)

  • 72% of marketing budgets are now being spent on digital marketing initiatives
  • Big businesses can spend anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per month on SEO
  • Content marketing costs 162% less than traditional marketing  and it generates 3 times more leads
  • Companies that leverage email marketing are 27% more likely to convert customers
  • 66% of marketing professionals said that they believe digital marketing to be more effective than traditional marketing 
  • Marketing and advertising spend for 2021 totaled $436.3 billion

Top 21 Facts About Marketing in 2023!

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #1 – big businesses can spend anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per month on SEO

Big companies can spend a lot of money on SEO each month, depending on where they are in their marketing strategy. This is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and investment. Depending on the size of the company and the competitiveness of their industry, big businesses can spend anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per month on SEO.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #2 – over 91% of businesses use social media for marketing, up from 86.2% in 2013

According to Statista, over 91 percent of businesses use social media for marketing, up from 86.2 percent in 2013. This trend shows no signs of slowing down, as social media platforms provide businesses with an unprecedented way to reach out to potential customers. In addition to traditional marketing techniques, social media marketing allows businesses to interact directly with consumers, build relationships, and create a brand identity.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #3 – content marketing costs 162% less than traditional marketing  and it generates 3 times more leads

Traditional marketing methods, such as print ads and TV commercials, can be very expensive. Content marketing, on the other hand, is a much more cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Not only does it cost 162% less than traditional marketing, but it also generates 3 times more leads. In addition, content marketing is more likely to result in a lasting relationship between the customer and the brand.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #4 – almost 28% of marketing budgets are now spent on content

High-quality content can help businesses to attract and engage potential customers, build credibility and trust, and drive conversions. For B2B marketers, content marketing is particularly important, as it can help to nurture relationships with prospects throughout the sales cycle. According to a research, almost 28% of marketing budgets are now spent on content, demonstrating the growing importance of this marketing strategy.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #5 – companies that leverage email marketing are 27% more likely to convert customers

Email marketing is not only a cost-effective way to reach a large audience, but it also allows targeting specific groups of people with tailored messages. And according to a recent study, companies that leverage email marketing are 27% more likely to convert customers. This is likely because email marketing allows for building relationships with customers and creates a sense of loyalty and trust. Plus, it’s easy to track the results of an email marketing campaign.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #6 – 66% of marketing professionals said that they believe digital marketing to be far more effective than traditional marketing

Digital marketing is more efficient, more targeted, and more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. In a recent survey of marketing professionals, 66% of respondents said that they believe digital marketing is one of the best media to succeed. This is a significant increase from the past few years when only 50% of marketers said they believed in digital marketing. This trend is likely to continue as more businesses focus on developing their online presence.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #7 – email is the most popular method of communication for digital marketing

Email is the most popular method of communication for digital marketing according to a recent study. The study found that email is the preferred form of communication for marketing purposes, with digital marketing professionals citing its ease of use and ability to reach a large audience as the primary reasons for its popularity. Email also allows marketers to track and measure the success of their campaigns, providing valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #8 – marketing class was first taught at the University of Michigan in 1902 by Edward David Jones

The first marketing class was taught at the University of Michigan in 1902 by Edward David Jones, who went on to become a professor of Political Economy. The class was an elective for students interested in marketing and advertising and was one of the first marketing classes offered at any university. Professor Jones’ marketing class laid the foundation for the study of marketing at the University of Michigan and helped to establish marketing as a distinct field of study.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #9 – The first American magazine was published in 1741, and advertisements soon became popular among businesses seeking to expand their reach

The 1700s saw a marked increase in the production of newspapers and magazines. The first American magazine was published in 1741, and advertisements soon became popular among businesses seeking to expand their reach. This newfound popularity of marketing helped to fuel the growth of the magazine industry, as more and more people sought out information about products and services. By the end of the century, there were over 100 different magazines being published in the United States alone.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #10 – SEO has been around since early 1997

Search engine marketing (SEM) and developing websites that rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs) have been around since early 1997, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the best modern marketing tools that businesses need to focus on in order to grow.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #11 – 28% of people who subscribe to email marketing are actually likely to buy more products

It is important to remember that not all email subscribers are created equal. While some email subscribers will simply delete messages without reading them, research shows that around 28% of people who subscribe to email marketing are actually likely to buy more products, as a result of marketing emails.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #12 – 72% of marketing budgets are now being spent on digital marketing initiatives

As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, more and more companies are allocating a larger proportion of their marketing budgets to digital channels. According to a recent study, 72% of marketing budgets are now being spent on digital marketing initiatives. With consumers spending an average of 6 hours per day online, brands have aggressively started building a strong presence on the web.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #13 – in 2021, marketing and advertising spend totaled $436.3 billion

The marketing industry has seen a surge in growth in recent years, due in part to the increase in spending by US businesses. In 2021, marketing and advertising spend totaled $436.3 billion, an increase of 21.6% over 2020. This growth was driven by increases in both offline and online marketing spend. According to a report, offline marketing, which includes traditional mediums such as television, radio, and print, grew by 7.6% to a total of $196 billion. Online marketing, meanwhile, grew even more quickly, increasing by 29.4% to a total of $240.3 billion.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #14 – the demand for marketing professionals will grow by 10% by 2026

Marketing campaigns can have a profound impact on society, and marketing professionals have the opportunity to use their skills to make a positive difference in the world. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the demand for marketing professionals will grow by 10% by 2026, which is above the average for all careers. The continued growth of the internet and wireless technologies is expected to spur demand for marketing research and advertising, as businesses seek to reach new customers and better understand their needs.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #15 – over 75% of businesses have reported how their marketing campaigns directly influenced overall revenue in 2020

According to HubSpot, over 75% of businesses have reported how their marketing campaigns directly influenced overall revenue in 2020. This is a substantial increase from previous years when only a minority of businesses were tracking this metric. Surveys also found that marketing budgets are being increased in order to support these efforts.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #16 – placing ads on popular websites or social media platforms can increase brand awareness by up to 80%

Businesses of all sizes are using online platforms to promote their products or services. One of the most effective ways to reach a large audience is through digital advertising. By placing ads on popular websites or social media platforms, businesses can increase brand awareness by up to 80% according to Google. In addition, digital ads can be targeted to specific demographics, making them an efficient way to reach potential customers.

facts about marketing

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #17 – people who see retargeted ads are 70% more likely to convert into paying customers

One increasingly popular method for reaching potential customers is retargeting, which involves showing ads to people who have already visited a website or taken some other action. A recent study found that people who see retargeted ads are 70% more likely to convert into paying customers. This is likely due to the fact that retargeted ads are highly personalized and relevant to the individual, making them more likely to result in a purchase.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #18 – 76% of brands reported using marketing automation in the past year

According to a recent study, marketing automation is on the rise, with 76% of brands reporting having used it in the past year. This trend is likely to continue, as marketing automation can help to improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #19 – 52% of marketers are using attribution reporting

According to a 2020 report from HubSpot, 52% of marketers are using attribution reporting. Attribution reporting is a tool that allows marketing professionals to track the results of their marketing campaigns and determine which channels are performing the best. The report also found that attribution reporting is most commonly used by marketing teams that are responsible for lead generation (63%), followed by brand awareness (50%) and customer acquisition (47%).

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #20 – more than half of marketers (53%) believe that webinars are the best way to generate the most high-quality leads

Webinars offer a great way to generate leads and build relationships with customers. According to the 2021 Demand Gen Report, more than half of marketers (53%) believe that webinars are the best way to generate the most high-quality leads. This is likely due to the fact that webinars offer a personal and interactive experience that can’t be found with other marketing methods.

FACTS ABOUT MARKETING #21 – websites are the second most important channel used by marketers, behind social media

Websites are an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. In fact, according to the HubSpot report, they are the second most important channel used by marketers, behind social media. Websites help businesses to reach a wider audience, build trust and credibility, and generate leads and sales. They are also an important platform for sharing content, showcasing products and services, and providing customer support.

Facts About Marketing – The Future of Marketing

The ever-changing landscape of marketing presents new challenges for businesses every day. As consumers become savvier and technology develops at a rapid pace, marketers must continually adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

One area that has seen a significant change in recent years is the use of digital channels. While traditional channels such as television and print are still important, the rise of digital platforms has led to a shift in the way that many marketers operate. Websites are now the second most important channel used by marketers, behind social media. In addition, 52% of marketers are using attribution reporting to measure the success of their campaigns, and 76% of brands have reported using marketing automation in the past year.

With this in mind, it’s clear that the future of marketing lies in digital platforms. As consumers continue to move online, businesses must follow suit in order to remain competitive.


What Is a Digital Marketing Plan and Why Is It Important for Brands?


It is important to understand the different aspects that are involved in the process, to create an effective digital marketing plan. The first step to developing the best digital marketing plan is to identify the business objectives and target audience. Once you know what you are trying to achieve and who you are trying to reach, you can start developing a digital marketing plan that will help you meet your goals.

For the next step in creating the best digital marketing plan, you need to create a content strategy. This involves creating a mix of original content and curated content that is relevant to your target audience. You also need to develop a social media strategy, which includes identifying which platforms your target audience uses and developing the right tone and messaging for each channel. Additionally, for the perfect digital marketing plan, you will need to create or update your website and determine how you will use paid advertising to reach your target audience.

There are a lot of different elements involved in a successful digital marketing plan, but by taking the time to understand all of the different pieces, you can create a strategy that will help your business achieve its goals.

The final component of a successful digital marketing plan is measurement and analysis. You need to track the results of your campaigns so you can determine which ones are most effective. Measuring results also help you identify areas where you may need to make changes or adjustments to your digital marketing plan to improve its effectiveness.

A digital marketing plan is important for brands of all shapes and sizes and from many different niche industries because it allows them to specifically target their customers through various online channels. By creating a digital marketing plan, brands can identify the goals they hope to achieve, the strategies they will use to reach those goals, and the metrics they will use to track their progress. This information can then be used to make decisions about how best to allocate resources and adjust tactics as needed.

Additionally, a digital marketing plan can help brands better understand their customers. Through data gathered from online interactions, brands can learn what kind of content is most appealing to their audience, what strategies are most effective in engaging customers, and where customers are most likely to encounter the brand’s content. Armed with this information, brands can tailor their digital marketing plan specifically to meet the needs of their target audience and improve their chances of achieving desired outcomes.

The main purpose of a digital marketing plan is to guide your organization in its efforts to promote its products or services through digital channels. The plan should identify your goals and the strategies you will use to achieve them, and it should also include a budget and a timeline for implementation.